Saturday, July 14, 2012

Numbness Still

I have not continued the chiropractic adjustment due to the burden of high treatment fees. The numbness seems like hard to go off. It didn't go worst. I can tolerant with the numbness and it didn't trouble me, I give off to continue adjustment. To ensure the pain not come back, I have to be very careful. Carry heavy items is one that I not dare to challenge. 

It's about a month we didn't spend on grocery. I normally will wait until hubby is free to accompany me to shop together. I have to depend on him to help me carry those items purchased. I even feel stress on my back when I push the shopping trolley. 

Today we spend a lot. This is the first time we got a long receipt from the Epson TM-T88V receipt printer at the payment counter. I do not know hubby's schedule. I just don't want to border him frequent with this kind of silly thing even though he didn't complaint. I just wish that the numbness will not go worst and don't give him any more trouble....

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