Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wake Up Early

Why I wake up so early today? I suppose to be rest and in my dreamland. But I just can not stop myself to wake up and finish my pending assignments.

Am I money minded? I keep asking myself. Why I need so much of money? My life never been so tension when the time I am in trouble. But this seems like already over. Why I still keep pushing myself? I will only have good health with good sleep. Besides, I need to be more relaxed so that I am not always in tension mood. Office life already so stress, I should calm myself after office hours.

What I am worry? What I really want?

1 comment:

rajans said...

retreat yoga is more than simply poses and stretches, it focuses on calming the mind and strengthening the body. Therefore, instructors always ensure a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone – from beginners through to veterans. Rejuvenative yoga covers subtle techniques for creating an understanding of our body through releasing tension, mainly from the hips and shoulders. When practiced traditionally Astnaga Yoga is a 6 day a week exercise. Once introduced to the yoga, many find it inescapable and integrate it as a regular activity in their daily lives. Those who practise yoga will experience increased flexibility and toning of muscles. Yoga has also been proven to assist in preventing illness and supports an entirely healthy and invigorated mind, body and soul. It is important to realise we don’t need to buy something material to make us feel good. Yoga activists acquire a sense of increased physical strength and flexibility, in addition to greater concentration and general well-being. What could be better than treating your mind and body to an intimate practise that serves to benefit your well being?
The opening prayer for the practice of yoga reads as: “Because I want more peace of mind and stability in life, I faithfully practice yoga as it has been passed down by the gurus.” Yoga allows for the creation of peace as well as physical, mental and spiritual awareness and escapism.