Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fun Times with My Princesses

I did hear that if you are a books lover, your children will be the same. I heard this when I am single. And now this is proven that and it’s real happen as I found that my two little princesses love books very much especially story books. Every time we go to bookshop, they will definitely go for story books section and looking for new story books. We even select books online!

I started reading bedtime stories since they are baby. I am not sure whether this is the way that I train up them to love books and reading. I will miss one or two days a week maybe but I keep on encourage and motivate myself to read them at least one story a day. At the beginning, I am the one who reading. Lately, I asked them to read for me. I didn’t force them to read me those words one by one but they can tell me the story as per their memory. It’s fun actually.

I promised to myself never stop this habit until they reject me when they are good enough to read by themselves. But I am sure I will miss those memorable moments reading stories to them.

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