Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Boyish Game

Hubby did tell me that he wishes to buy gifts for our two little princesses for this Christmas festival. At the beginning, I thought he will date me out and we go for selection together while shopping. Unfortunately he is superb busy with his jobs and photograph these few weeks. Do you think he totally forgot about what he said? I am wrong this time.

Yesterday after my two little princesses fall to sleep. Hubby waked me up and asked me to having supper with him at home. Both of us sit and eat in front of the computer and he showed me his online gift hunting list.

Surprisingly I found that most of the gifts he selected are related to his favorite. I mean, those are a bit boyish. The first website he showed me was the NFL Jerseys merchandise. And this is the one make me argued with him.

I know that will be no harm for kids having more sports activity. I do believe that my two little princesses will love those NFL team uniforms as well. Maybe hubby is right. Boyish games will train them tough and strong. But I still believe that the game is rude....

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