Thursday, April 24, 2008

Great Match

I am fever, flu and cough and doctor give me medicine for three days. Of course I need to follow doctor instruction to consume those medicines. But unfortunately my period pain makes me so uncomfortable. Normally I will take the pain killer but because I am consuming medicine, I not dare to take the pain killer at the same time.

Do you ever facing such condition before? We don't have such knowledge about difference drugs can or can not consume at the same time. All we have to do is seek for doctor advice. But I just discover such a great match. It's medical info in PDA device! All you need is to get the PDA medical software and your problem is solved. Don't you agree that this is a great match?

“This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it can be very dreadful condition having fever and flu when you are with your periods.I think PDA software may work but frankly I have nevr tried that.